European Patent Litigators Network (EPLN) Meeting in Munich in March 2024

Now that our four-leafed clover is full with the accession of top-ranking Dutch law firm Arnold & Siedsma, colleagues from the member firms IPSIDE – SANTARELLI – BREVALEXSocietà Italiana Brevetti S.p.A. (“SIB” and “SIBlex”), Meissner Bolte and Arnold & Siedsma sat together to discuss both housekeeping matters and strategy, as well as future planning.
Very interesting legal and patent issues were discussed to find out how the procedures and legal instruments established by national jurisdictions in the four member countries FR, IT, NL and DE differ from those we may expect in UPC proceedings, and crucially also the points of similarity. These topics included an analysis of the evidence preservation instruments available in the four member states and in the UPC Agreement and in which legal system evidence preservation proceedings can be effectively employed. One of the many strengths of the EPLN is that it has experienced colleagues in each of the four EPLN member states who know the current practice of the local or central division in question. 
Of course no visit to Munich would be complete without a tour of the city and the chance to enjoy traditional Bavarian hospitality, which means a hearty meal! So we were also able to relax a bit.
A big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event a success!

IP Days seminar 2023 MEISSNER BOLTE

We are delighted to invite you to Meissner Bolte’s IP-Days Seminar in Munich, which will begin at lunchtime on Wednesday, September 27, 2023 and will run through to our Oktoberfest farewell “hurrah” on September 28, 2023.
The IP-Days will be held in person, as usual. Following the success of our Hybrid IP Days in 2022, we shall also provide virtual access to our seminar for all those who will not be able to attend in Munich, but wish to keep up to date on developments in the world of IP.
Please follow the link for more information as well as the programm and the registration form:
The link for virtual access will be provided a few days prior to the seminar.

UPC Update May 2023

Preliminary Injunctions before the UPC

The Unitary Patent is to become a reality

Comparison of Annuity Fees